Ok yes yes I know.. I have been slack AGAIN!! in keeping my posts up on here. Seriously I hate how life gets in the way lol!!
Ok so I haven't created in a really long time. Hoping this will help
inspire me. So I took a hardcover book that I found at the Second Hand
Bookstore. Glued every 2nd page together and gessoed the pages. Covered
the front and back covers and bound the spine with 7 gypsies gaffer
tape. Can not wait to fill the pages.
Pic are a little blurry straight outta my Iphone
Take 1 hard cover book that you find at the Bookstore :)
Stuck every 2nd page together and then gesso the rest of the pages.
Love Elsie Papers for the covers and 7 gypsies gaffer tape for the spine
Music is Life - the album will be full of music inspiration. From the musicals, concerts etc that I have been too :)
Bit hard to read but the LHS page has the quote " Music Washes away from
the soul the dust of everyday life" - Berthold Auerback
reads - They say that music is life. A truer word has never been
spoken. I have had a love of music from a very early age. From singing
into my hairbrush to kranking out a tune on Karoke. Join me on a journey
through the music and musicals that I love.